Bonnie Schrembs RIP January 18, 2013

On January 18, 2013 my step-mother, Bonnie Schrembs, died. 

This news was, of course saddening, and my thoughts went immediately out to; her husband, her son, and her daughter. My thoughts, and prayers, will remain with them throughout these trying days.

May God grant them each; time to heal, time to mourn, time to cry, time to share, time to ask, time to answer, and time to have the true heartache gradually replaced with memories of how she lived and the life lessons she lived by…and taught her children.

She was, to her children, a great mother.

She was, to her husband, a great wife.

She was, to her profession, a; hard worker, trusted professional, etc.

In every imaginable criteria she was; honest, kind hearted, striving for excellence in her profession, and just a good person.

In my life I have many regrets and one of them is that my own children did not have the opportunity to meet her and to see firsthand how special she was.

Her funeral will be held on the 22nd of January 2013.

May her soul find it’s everlasting place in heaven and may her children know how blessed they were to have her as a mother. May her husband be thankful for all the years shared. May her family members find comfort via God and through the sharing of this unsettling event and most of all from the love, acknowledgment, and support of others.


Jeff Schrembs

The death of Bonnie Schrembs January 18, 2013

On January 18, 2013 my step-mother, Bonnie Schrembs, died after being in a coma.

This news was, of course saddening, and my thoughts went immediately out to; her husband, her son, and her daughter. My thoughts, and prayers, will remain with them throughout these trying days.

She was, to her children, a great mother.
She was, to her husband, a great wife.
She was, to her profession, a; hard worker, trusted professional, etc.
In every imaginable criteria she was; honest, kind hearted, striving for excellence in her profession,  and just a good person.

My prayers will go out to her husband, her children, and her family members as they come to terms with her death.

May God grant them each; time to heal, time to mourn, time to cry, time to share, time to ask, time to answer, and time to have the true heartache gradually replaced with memories of how she lived and the life lessons she lived by…and taught her children.

Her funeral will be held on the 22nd of January 2013.

May her soul finds it’s everlasting place in heaven and may her children know how blessed they were to have her as a mother. May her husband be thankful for all the years shared. May her family members find comfort via God and through the sharing of this unsettling event and most of all from the love, acknowledgment, and support of others.

Jeff Schrembs