Congratulations and I’ll always love you (by Jeff Schrembs)


Today (i.e. January 25, 2013) a final decision was reached.

I have no words.

My time to fight has come to an end.

I carry no ill will towards anyone. Not for anything said, filed, written, posted, felt, believed, etc.

I just wish that I had the opportunity to answer your questions, to work toward healing, share open and honest dialog, and ensure that each of you truly know that none of this was your fault. However this was not meant to be.

I am sorry, and always will be, for all/any hurt/pain that I originated by; act, omission, etc. I am sorry for every tear you have shed. For every sleepless night. For the uncertainty. For the drama. For…everything. My sorrow doesn’t end with the typing of these words for I will bear the burden(s) of them for eternity.

I am respectful to everyone involved who fought for what they believed in and/or what they thought was right. I did the same.

I wish everyone involved nothing but; happiness, peace, stability, love, acceptance, and good health.

I hope that closure comes to all.

I will now try to recover, inasmuch as one can, and attempt to endure from afar.

I will always want the best for you. I will cherish the memories I have of you. I will always be proud of you. I hope that you achieve, and that God blesses you, everything in life that you dream – that you strive for – that you believe in – and/or that you have a passion for.

My everlasting hope is that you always have each other. That you support one another. That you never cease from telling one another, and showing one another, that you love them. That though you may differ, or argue, that you make amends and stick together. Most of all that you honor, love, and respect the wishes of the one that carried for you 9 months and has loved you every second of everyday since.

What remains of my heart will always be broken but I will always love you one…and all.
