Things that sustain us. Part 1 – A son’s poem (by Jeff Schrembs)






Loved ones.

These words, individually and collectively, are part of our “foundation of life” and are among our most cherished relationships.

Some things have such a “strong connection” that we turn to them in times of; need, doubt, turmoil, etc.

Such is the case with the poem that I received a few years ago.

I never asked for this poem as it was a complete surprise when it was handed to me authored by a child wise beyond his years. I never knew he was writing it.

It originated via the (multi) talented soul/spirit of my son. He wrote it “from the heart” and from the moment I first read it, until this very moment, I have; loved it, cherished it, turned to it, appreciated it, been proud of him, and am thankful to him (in countless ways) for his sharing his talent (in this case being writing) and giving me this precious gift.

Here is the photograph of this beautiful poem that I am eternally grateful for. This treasured “gift” that has been a blessing to me…and always will.


As parents we know that children (sadly) grow up, change, morph into teenagers (aaaaggghhhh), etc. No matter how old they become, or where they are, they remain in our; thoughts, minds, prayers, hearts, and in our very soul.

Whether your child opts to issue a poem, write in crayon, or stars in their own video and/or series of photographs  I implore you to PLEASE don’t ever take it for granted and/or misplace these items. For, as I can attest, when one looks back upon their life these are the things that mean the most. Not money. Not possessions.

The beauty of a child who shares their; heart, time, opinions, thoughts, etc. is, simply put, …priceless.

Jeff Schrembs


Skype. A firsthand review by Jeff Schrembs



Heard about it.

Never wanted to use it.

Then was asked to use it. Now I regret it.

Let me count the ways.

First of all I don’t see (play on words) the benefit in it unless it is used for; people far away, parents to connect with their family/children if they are away, military families to connect, etc.

Secondly, for whatever reasons(s), it makes me (on that wonderful post-it not sized windows) look like Honey Boo Boos mother June. I’ve heard that the “camera adds 10 pounds” but…100? Come on Skype.

Thirdly, the audio (in real time) makes me have flashbacks of the old martial arts films from Japan/China whereby their mouths move but the audio/sounds don’t match. Not even close. Made me dizzy.

Lastly, nothing will ever replace (sorry to those non-socials who live in video game/online worlds) being with, speaking with, etc. real people “face to face”.

With that said the next time someone asks me to Skype I’ll play the “technically challenged card” thereby ensuring what’s left of my self esteem remains intact.

Discuss among yourselves.