Happy Fathers Day (2011 by Jeffrey Schrembs All Rights Reserved)

Fathers Day.

To some it will be a day just like any other. To some it will be a day of reflection of those who have left this World having passed away. To some it will be pain knowing that the relationship is strained and so much pain has come that the scar tissue keeps binding the wounds…but not healing. To some it will be that contact is limited by a glass pane or bars or both. To some it will be the silence that exists whether it is caused by Court orders, lies, truths, or the actions/inactions never knowing the path they were on would end up in an abyss surrounded by darkness and tears.

To others it will be a meal shared by family members and the exchange of cards or presents. Cameras will record the events and videos and photographs sent wirelessly or email or via mail. To far too many it will be a time when the reality of War takes those far away and the hope of a safe return triumphs the novelty of anyday.

Regardless of which, or a combination of, of these examples are applicable the point is that without Fathers (and being a Father is not limited to just those whose genetics brought life to each child nor is it regulated to those who walked the aisle and afterward framed a marriage document for being a Father means sacrifice, unconditional love, and eternal prayers for good health – happiness – and a long life for all of God’s children) this Day would be unnamed and more importantly without Fathers life itself would cease to exist.

It remains my hope, and prayers, that Fathers everywhere are afforded the respect – love – appreciation – understanding – and forgiveness that brings upon us the honor as ordained by God…and is deserving. May this day be one of happiness, beloved memories, and a commitment that life is not about forgetting the days that have come before but the promise of better days ahead.

May God bless you all.

Jeff Schrembs

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