Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah wishes 2019 from Jeff Schrembs

MOVING GIF Merry Christmas 2019  MOVING GIF Happy Hanukah

My prayers, thoughts, heart, and soul always go out to my daughter who recently turned 12 years old. She is a beautiful girl and I applaud her; mother, brothers, grandparents and uncle each of which are…exceptional.

This is not directed to my beautiful 12 year old daughter as there have been things this year that have saddened me greatly. Decision and acts I prayed about intently and though it pains my soul I do hope that my prayers will be answered (i.e. the care she needs to battle her dependency and her horrific; language, inability to provide stability, and her mental instability). Also, I learned of a good man who I’ll always love – pray for – care about – etc. who, like one of my own battles with cancers, has throat cancer. I pray he recovers fully and that his, and that of his family members, life is long and full of happiness, love,  and stability. Battling cancer(s) is a terrible taxing ordeal and the only thing that truly makes it “worse” is to go through it…alone. As my brother battles his own terrible disease(s) I pay for him and his family 24/7.

I’ve been blessed to know/have known the love of a great woman. The everlasting love of each of my children. The eternal love of my grandchildren. Success in my chosen profession. The beauty of friendship and of family. I am humbled and grateful.

Life is never guaranteed in length, or qualify, of.  But if we chose to dwell on the past we lose the ability to appreciate the moment. The day. The week. The month. The years.

I wish everyone a blessed and Happy Hanukkah and a Merry Christmas 2019.

Take care and may God bless each of you and yours…always.


Jeff Schrembs



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