Tag Archives: A fathers love

Art. One of my passions since childhood

I have been blessed dating back as far as I remember to be able to draw. Whether it is charcoal, pen and ink, pencil, etc. I put my all into my artwork and it was my love for art that took me from Kentucky to the Art Institute. Man, it’s been quite a …while.

In October of 2017 I picked up a pencil and an artbook and started to draw. My intent was to see if I could control the coordination necessary to put onto paper, in detail, whatever subject I was focusing on at the time. After a month of practice I decided to try and draw from one of my favorite photographs of my oldest daughter when she was little. After many trials I was able to complete the drawing and gave the original to my daughter for Christmas.

WM My drawing of Heather I did Christmas 2017.jpg

It is my hope that I will be able to do a drawing of my little girl who is growing up to be a fine, smart, funny, and wholly beautiful soon to be 11 years old. Nonetheless  she will always be my little girl and one of the greatest loves of my life. Fortunately the time is upcoming when she can voice her desire for our relationship and I will surely embrace, and enjoy, every moment for there is no one else on earth (sans her mother) that loves her as much as I do. I have. And I always will. She deserves to have a positive relationship with both of her parents and God willing we will see one another sooner rather than later and find out firsthand about me.

*** Note – I have had to watermark my drawing, as I have all my others, as others have tried to pawn it off as their work(s).