Tag Archives: elvis presley collector

Simpler life & happy Thanksgiving 2019 wishes

Some of the greatest songs I love have lyrics such as these: the heart gets weary, nothing every changes, heartache I knew, always on my mind, you took my one ray of sunshine, there is something wrong here, I just can’t fake it, I wish it would rain, gave me a mountain, etc. What do these songs have in common? Man, I don’t know but they left/leave a lasting impression and trends may come and go but quality man quality can never be substituted. Real voices with real experiences singing real songs. It’s in my DNA and courses through my veins and in some cases has been passed along to my children. Yeah, your welcome.

Back in the 1970’s seems like every girl has the album Tapestry by Carole King. That album, and those songs, were at every dance. At every roller skating rink. And, due to the wonderful technology in those days, on a device the size of a platter and thicker than the California redwoods, known as the 8 track tape. Hey kids give up your modern technology and try listening to songs only on an 8 track. The struggle(s) were…real and yeah we walked to school for miles in the snow, rain, thunderstorms, heat, and guess what? We had to repeat, this what would now qualify for a weekly show on National Geographic, endeavor to get back home. Hurray.

Back to Carole King. I have watched, and re-watched as that is just who I am, the 1971 concert of Carole King and not only did I learn she wrote one of my favorite songs of all time “will you still love me tomorrow” but she sings the hello kitty out of it. But the secret gem is her voice, passion, and throaty remembrance when she sings “up on the roof” co-written by her (by 2 years) ex-husband (note: if you get a chance check out him singing this song and he had a good voice in his own right) the multi-talented songwriter Gerry Goffin. Not to be outdone when she sings “a natural woman””, made infamous by Aretha Franklin, her version is just as honest. Just as soulful. Just as haunting. Just as soul provoking.

Simpler times are part of the title of this post but it is also a reference to life in times past that was life…more abundantly. Much more abundantly and I miss it.

From me to you via YouTube comes the incomparable Carole King raw and beautiful and as a footnote, it took place during the spring of my youth.

Take care and may God bless you

Jeff Schrembs

Elvis Presley TUPELO (1977)

Article via Rolling Stone circa 1977 which I elected to post to get some insight to what the press focused on concerning Elvis in the months after his death. Though this article was “updated” in 2015 it remains an article that Elvis fans had to deal with in September of 1977 and (sadly) includes hundreds of similar articltes since.

September 22, 1977  4:33PM ET by Joe Klein

BIO ELvis birthcertificate blusih

ELvis Prelsey’s offical birth certificate NOT the record of live birth which is a seperate document.

THE TWO-ROOM SHACK IS STILL THERE. The East Heights Garden Club looks after it. They make sure the grass is mowed and the bushes trimmed and the paint job respectable. They open the door for a few hours each afternoon, and you can walk through the tiny rooms for a quarter.
The night after Elvis died, people gathered in front of the shack and stared silently at the bouquets of flowers on the porch. The night was soft and moist, and the people spoke in whispers. A surprising number of the cars that pulled into the church parking lot across the street were campers and pickups. Larry Shaw stood off to the side, watching them come and go. He was 22 years old, blond and a local musician. “There’s been people here all night, from all over. You just missed a big shot, the guy who owns the big market down the highway. He was just here, payin’ his respects too,” Larry said. “You know, I keep thinking about little Elvis sitting out on that porch and fooling around with his guitar on a night like this, and his mama sitting in that porch swing there, listening to him. It’s hard to believe he started right there.”
A prim, middle-aged schoolteacher named Sara Wiygul and her daughter Mona, a college student, approached the house. Sara said she had gone to see Elvis at the Tupelo Fair in 1956. “I don’t like the way they’re saying now that he came from poor white trash,” she said, staring at the house. “They were poor all right, but they weren’t trash. If they were trash, he wouldn’t have gotten as far as he did.”
“What was it like at the fair in 1956?” I asked.
“Well,” she hesitated and smiled. “Very exciting.”
“Did people go wild?”
“Yes, I guess you could say they did.”
“Did you?”
“C’mon Ma . . .” Mona said.
“Well uh, not wild, but I enjoyed it.”
A bouncy woman named Pat Nichols, who had dropped by to collect her two sons, said she was also at the fair in 1956 and, “I screamed and hollered, and I’d do it again, too.” She had grown up in the neighborhood and her older brothers played with Elvis. “They all used to ride this pony we had named Dinah. Yes sir, we all grew up here in the ghetto together — and it was a ghetto then, too. Used to be a lot of shacks like this one, but they tore them down. Before they got fancy and started calling this area East Heights, they used to call it East Tupelo and it was the meanest part of town. They all was afraid to come over here, our boys was so mean. Not that they raped or murdered or anything. . . . We was just the most southern part of town, if you get what I’m saying,” and she drove off into the soft night as others arrived to stand vigil at the house.
The drowsy little town Pat Nichols remembered, dappled with loblollies and draped in kudzu vines, is long gone. Less than 6000 people lived in Tupelo when Elvis was born in 1935, and more than 27,000 do now. Even during the Depression, though, the town was a commercial center known for its civic boosterism and its relative moderation when it came to the race issue — clearly a town with a future if the times ever got better. In 1948, just before the boom times began, Vernon Presley found work in Memphis and moved there with his young family, part of the mass migration out of the rural South and into the big cities. But during the past 20 years, the migration has turned around and small cities like Tupelo have flourished. There is an air-conditioned shopping mall downtown now, a string of fancy hotels, an airport and even a couple of Chinese restaurants. Tupelo has become suburbanized and homogenized. If it weren’t for the barbecue stands along the highways, the preponderance of pickup trucks and the way the natives speak, it might easily be New Jersey.
Over in East Heights, most of the shotgun shacks (“You could stand in the front door and shoot a shotgun out the back door.”) have been replaced by graceful brick ranches where the new executives live. The First Assembly of God Church, which Elvis attended as a child, has moved from a shack to a modern, if modest, brick building. The young pastor, Dean Tilley, arrived in town only a few years ago, but he proudly leads visitors down to the basement to see the old pulpit where Elvis did his first singing.
Elvis once said, “We used to go to these religious singin’s all the time. There were these singers, perfectly fine singers, but nobody responded to them. Then there was the preachers and they cut up all over the place, jumpin’ on the piano, movin’ ever’ which way. … I guess I learned from them.” Pastor Tilley, who doesn’t seem quite the type to cut up, said things have calmed down a bit at the church. The Wednesday night revivals have been replaced by Bible classes. They still talk in tongues, though. “It’s language from heaven,” he explained. “You don’t roll around and lose control like some people think. You are perfectly conscious of what you are doing. I can stop it whenever I want, just by closing my mouth.”
The Presley house is just around the corner from the church, on what used to be called Old Saltillo Road but is now Elvis Presley Drive. Mrs. Virginia Boyd, an efficient, gray-haired woman, is the curator of the house. She is director of the East Heights Garden Club, which restored the house in 1971 and has maintained it since then. The club is the sort of organization that might have passed a resolution censuring Elvis 20 years ago, and Mrs. Boyd admits she wasn’t always a fan. “The rock ‘n’ roll movements were different, something we’d never seen before … but he was obviously a fine young man working hard to become successful in his career.”
On the morning they buried him in Memphis, Virginia Boyd opened the little house early and people began to file through. The tiny bedroom where Elvis was born and his twin brother died was in front, and the kitchen in the back, and that was all. On the kitchen table, the Garden Club was selling souvenirs: postcards, bumper stickers, plastic guitars, pennants. Just outside the door, the Tupelo Daily Journal was selling reprints of its special death front page with the banner headline, THE KING IS DEAD. Throughout the morning, florist vans brought flower arrangements, and Mrs. Boyd placed them on the front porch with the others. Several were shaped like guitars, and one was a blue telephone with the words, JESUS CALLING.
Behind the house was the cinderblock Elvis Presley Youth Center and the Elvis Presley Park, much of which had been donated by the man himself. According to the local kids, the youth center had been pretty much a bust in recent years. On this day, though, a Parks Department crew was setting up a podium and folding chairs for a memorial service that would be held in the afternoon. People began to arrive hours before the service was to start, and one of the first to sit down was Rosemary Coggin.
She was small and pert, with bright red hair and jade green eyes. She said she was a farmer’s wife and an Elvis fan from the start. “I was about ten years old when he hit it big. My daddy was a sharecropper — we lived in a house like that,” she said, pointing to the Presley house, “and so I couldn’t get an Elvis skirt and I couldn’t afford to see him at the Tupelo Fair, but I always felt he was singing to me. My mama disapproved of the gyrations, but eventually she came around. It’s funny — I was too young to understand that all those movements were sexy. They just felt good. Now I have daughters and they have crushes on Elvis. One of them said she wanted to put flowers on his grave. My husband doesn’t mind the way we feel; he understands.
“I remember I came in the other day and my boy says Elvis died and I thought he was kidding, and I was about to tell him you shouldn’t kid about things like that when it hit me that he might not be kidding. Then I felt like being alone and listening to his records, but I had to cook dinner. I wanted to grieve alone. That’s why I came here myself today, to grieve alone.”
Then she said, “You know, the Beatles made me feel left out. I got married young and I was pregnant when they arrived. And there they were with their neat little hair and their neat little suits, and there I was all fat and everything. But Elvis never made me feel left out. He always made me feel like I was as pretty as Priscilla. He made a lot of us feel that way. I don’t know if you Northerners can ever really understand how it was for us down here. …”
Rosemary was right. Elvis’ whole routine — part choirboy and part outlaw — had always made more sense in the South. In a way, he and Mississippi had grown up together: from poverty to anathema to commercial respectability in 20 years. Mississippi just seemed a bit more comfortable with respectability than Elvis had.
The Tupelo memorial service was as respectable as those things get — a parade of ministers and politicians — and therefore not very moving. The only good part was when Larry Montgomery, a uniformed policeman, sang “Love Me Tender” and “Precious Memories.” It was a bright, hot afternoon, but not unbearable. The crowd was large, but not overwhelming. The mood was respectful, but there were few tears. Rosemary Coggin had brought a whole box of Kleenex with her, but didn’t use a single one.

Take care and God bless you




Running in potholes

Nightmare. Websters defines it as; Definition of nightmare. 1 : an evil spirit formerly thought to oppress people during sleep. 2 : a frightening dream that usually awakens the sleeper. 3 : something (such as an experience, situation, or object) having the monstrous character of a nightmare or producing a feeling of anxiety or terror.

Well ladies and gentlemen one can have a nightmare during the day such as been the case for far too long. However, thanks to my God given will to confront a nightmare is the recipe for waking up to a new day with less drama and stress. One where the sunlight seems more beautiful. The clouds dance in the bluest of blue days. The air smells not of pollen or pollution but of life. Or the patterns of the wind with that “after rain” scent.

Dont let yesterday use up too much of today

I have some upcoming medical procedures, tests, etc. but I will awaken these days with a calm. With a focus. With unrelenting love for my sons and my little girl.

Man, it seems like I had been running in potholes causing all days to be painful mentally, physically, emotionally, etc. and I am very thankful to my therapist of 8 years and my Psychiatrist of 6 years for battling cancer, Parkinson’s, PIDD, and other abnormalities seriously take their tolls in every imaginable way.

To break ones spirit. To dampen ones resolve to continue on with the knowledge that I pray for my children – their children – their mothers – and their mothers family. I always will. I think God for each moment even when I am locked in torturous pain. Even when my mind says my eyes can’t possible produce any more tears and yet through bloodshot eyes…they do, It is the soul that has been hurt and the side effect is tears.

And now that I have taken reasonable steps to ensure I have protected locks on my laptop, tablets, iPhone, etc.. As this dawn breaks forth I am thankful.

Lastly I’m going to have to get some new shoes that should allow me to expertly use my athletic skills (by the way…where did they go?) not fall into potholes of all shapes, forms, intents, etc. At almost 56 years on this earth, in 2 weeks AAAAAGGGGGGHHHH, I think with the proper outlook, support, my ever handing reading glasses, and some smooth Nike’s I will be able to see the potholes beforehand which I believe with each passing day will become less of a hardship. Less of a nightmare. And less reactive approaches to things/life.

God has blessed me all my life including these last two decades of life. Growing up I never believed I would live past 30 or 35. I shall make the most of these days, weeks, months, and years for after all if I don’t then the status quo will remain and I think it is time for some true, and beneficial, resolution. Man, it’s been far too long.

Enjoy your weekend.

Take care and may God bless you and yours… always.

Wishing everyone a blessed Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur 2018 began in the evening of
Tuesday, September 18
and ended in the evening of
Wednesday, September 19

YOM Kipur 2018

Yom Kippur—the Day of Atonement—is considered the most important holiday in the Jewish faith. Falling in the month of Tishrei (September or October in the Gregorian calendar), it marks the culmination of the 10 Days of Awe, a period of introspection and repentance that follows Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.

Many of the best people I have ever had the privilege to meet, form relations, etc. are Jewish. For those in my family, extended or not, I wish you a blessed day of celebration, praise, acknowledging God/Jesus etc.

God made us all and I have always believed we should respect his works. There is so much in this life that sears permanent scars in ones mind, heart and soul but there is far more beautiful, holy, and wonderous things from God from the smallest plant to the largest ocean to the unique stars that permanent the nighttime sky.

Take care and may God bless you and yours always.

Eternal tears

Learning of another cowardly, and evil, shooter going to a school and killing/wounding our future…the children. There were claims of a teacher trying to shield students. Hero plain and simple.

I am so saddened but this is not about me as every endeavor should be undertaken to help these victims, their family, their loved ones, friends, etc.

Also, they need to put guards in all schools if not guards with metal detectors. I say this from experience when I went to school there were armed guards at every entrance/exit and metal detector. Forced busing…the socialist idea NOT for their children but for us, for me, for others and I can attest firsthand.

Putting armed guards at schools, daycares, etc. will take adjusting to. It will take cooperation. It will take teamwork. It will take trust. Additionally, there should be ways to secure, with high tech equipment, all entry points with doors that are shut/opened only after a visual inspection so outer cameras will be needed.

I pray. I hope others do as well.

Take care and may God bless you all.

Jeff Self Photo 2018 BEST ONe

Once upon a birthday


In this fragile world life springs forth in hospitals, villages, homes, etc. around the world with the delivery of each child.

I have always believed, not in words but in the chambers of the heart, that every child is worthy, beautiful, and deserving.

Contrary to the use of the word “birthday”, as it pertains to the anniversary of the date in which each of us was born, we only have one birthday.

Throughout the seasons of this life, and ever increasing age and all the intricacies that come with that physically/mentally/emotionally/socially/etc, I have never been one to garner/desire anything other than a cake (german chocolate which began when I was very young by my grandmother) and to spend time with my family/loved ones. But, I do appreciate any/all acts to acknowledge this “anniversary” of my birth.

Over four decades ago I found a pattern in that during the last 3 months of the year bad/sad happened in my life which, perhaps, played a role in my outlook towards my own birthday (i.e. in October). For whatever reasons this pattern continued throughout my adult life during the last 3 months of the year.

I get through these trials and tribulations via my faith. It  also helps to have quality friends/loved ones which I am grateful to each and everyday.

As my 54th year on this earth anniversary is approaching I take time to reassess my priorities. my efforts, my goals, and my time. I also have great memories of times long passed. Life truly is a blessing in so many ways.

If I was to  be granted a “birthday wish” it would be for my children, loved ones, friends, etc. to know each day how much I; respect, love, admire, want the best for, pray for, etc. them individually and collectively. That and a piece of german chocolate cake is a terrific combination even as I say goodbye to year 53.

Take care and may God bless you always.

Jeff Schrembs









Please pray for Scotty Moore’s family

Prayers to Scotty Moore died.jpgIt is with a heavy heart that I learned that Scotty Moore died on June 28, 2016 in Nashville at the age of 84. My thoughts, and prayers, go out to his family – loved ones – friends – etc.

Also there are many people, each of quality, who were friends with Elvis Presley for decades who now mourn the loss of Mr. Moore. They are, including but not limited to, ; Marty Lacker, Billy Smith, Red West, and Sonny West. I hope that others will join me in keeping these men, and their family, in their prayers.

Take care and may God bless you all.

Jeff Schrembs


Rare Elvis Presley photographs from www.ElvisCollector.info March 13, 2015

http://www.ElvisCollector.info is an Elvis Presley fan website which features (drum roll please)…Jeff Schrembs.

http://www.ElvisCollectorWorldwide.freeforums.org is a free Elvis Presley fan forum featuring (Jimi Hendrix riff please)…Jeff Schrembs.

On this “Friday the 13th” here are some cool, rare, and exceptional photographs. Enjoy.

WM 1967  Elvis with Priscilla natavity scene better detail but BW WM BIO Elvis at Lauderdale courts other young men WM 1950s Elvis on roller coaster in front arms u WM 1967 Wedding Elvis with Priscilla and Redd Foxx WM NEED2FIX Bio wearing stripped shirt rarearaeraeraweraweraer

Happy Mothers Day 2010 (by Jeff Schrembs 2010 All Rights Reserved)

Happy Mothers Day 2010 from Jeff Schrembs

Mothers’ Day 2010. To some it will be a day, like so many others, that will just…come and go. To others it will be a day where your inbox is overflowing with spam asking you to buy flowers, jewelry, candy, etc. To most it will be a day where a phone call is made, or computer cameras are in sync to see “camera to camera”, or an “ecard” is sent, or a regular card is sent via the US Postal Service (remember them?), or the family may get together for some acknowledgment and dinner perhaps.

Sadly, to millions of others (Mothers in more than just name) their Mothers Day will be spent worrying about a grown child in Afghanistan or Iraq. Some Mothers will be trying to get together enough money to bail out their child from jail. Other Mothers may be dealing with medical issues of their own, of their children, or of their aging parents. Some Mothers, whose relationship with their children is “permanently splintered”, try to pass the day busily to surpress the tears. Even more Mothers will smile for their children, appreciate their efforts, but worry in the back of their head about money to pay the rent/mortgage/car payment, worry about losing a job/losing benefits, worry about putting food on the table, and worry about when and how things will…”improve”.

Other Mothers look out their front yards in the light of the day knowing that when the sun sets young gang members will, in all likelihood, continue their “circle of violence” fueled by the money from drugs and the lack of opportunities elsewhere to even have a chance to “make ends meet”. Other Mothers will be spending time with their children helping them with school, teaching them how to be better, and encouraging them to try hard – then harder and experience the joy (the real joy) that comes from overcoming a problem that vexed the child hours ago.

Some Mothers themselves are incarcerated. Many Mothers who  are incarcerated are innocent and should not be there. These Mothers will not be able, on this day or others, to get “dressed up” or to hold a loved ones hands or to hug and kiss their children or to seek forgiveness from God in their Church. Some Mothers have been “hurt/damaged” so much by the weight of life, combined with bad decisions, and relationship after relationship that was abusive and not monetarily productive doing things right and the pain/grief/guilt of all the waste these Mothers wear in their hearts.

Some Mothers may be separated from their Family due to their job, or medical issue, or transportation issues, or a family crisis. Some Mothers may spend so much time worrying it has adversely affected them mentally/physically.

To each and every one of these Mothers, and to those Mothers who are not represented herein, I would like to say to each of you: THANK YOU!

Thank you enduring the 9 month journey to bring the child outside the womb, Thank you for caring, loving, and feeding the child. Thank you for holding the child close while their heart beats in tune with your own. Thank you for getting up every 2 hours, exhausted, to take care of a newborn or sick child, Thank you for your grace in making sure that each child knows they are loved. Thank you for teaching them that in this World you have options and to use the abilities that God gave them.

Whether you are a Mother wearing a $1,000.00 pair of shoes in LA or a Mother wearing an orange jumpsuit in ADC Jail or a Mother cleaning floors at a fast food restaurant or a Mother so burdened/saddened and thinking that no one care my hope/prayer/wish for each of you is (a) that you are appropriately acknowledged on this Mothers Day (and each day thereafter) (b) that you meet/exceed all of your personal/professional endeavors (c) that you know, and I mean TRULY KNOW that others do care about you though you will never meet, millions of us wish you nothing but success and are available to help if we are made aware (d) this day is a day for you and it may be a day to reflect or a day to act or a day to rest  just close your eyes and listen to your heart and it will show you the way (e) that you have joy and happiness on this day (f) that all of your friends,relatives,neighbors, church members, etc. convey to you Happy Mothers Day and (h) that you are WORTHY and DESERVING of Love. If you made terrible mistakes in the past now is the time to face them, say them aloud for all to know, and ask for forgiveness as well as a chance to make things right.

Every Mother in this World is a beautiful person unique in looks, abilities, mannerism and is worthy to have come from God. Each Mother is special for a Mother who purely loves her children will seek out the right answers to questions – instill goodness in their hearts – punish them if warranted – always let them know they are loved.

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! The Mothers of this World are the unbreakable bonds that hold families together, homes together, communities together, and more. The Mothers of this World deserve a day of recognition and one of no drama but full of accolades and love.

To the Women who are unable to be a Mother at this time I say to you that you are special, beautiful, and essential as well. There are many ways to become a Mother and if it is your goal then we hope, and pray for, you pursue all options and that your requests are approved.

May God bless every Mother and may we tell each Mother how much they mean to us for it is ONLY a Mother who could endure the pain of labor, which took place after 9 months of carrying around a growing kicking punching child thereby adversely affecting sleep/work/etc. Only a Mother has the strength to ensure that their children are being treated fairly and are given the tools they need to succeed. Mothers can be treasure chests of knowledge where they share their wisdom all thats needed is…to ask. All Mothers have an inner beauty and a glow and on this Mothers Day 2010 and beyond it is my wish that EVERY Mother is hugged, loved, kissed, laughing, enjoying, healing, etc. The smile radiating from a Mother is one of the greatest powers in the World because it comes from the soul thus it is pure. The pure love that only a Mother knows and she knows it on levels unknown to anyone else.


May God bless each and every one of you and may this day find you happy, healthy, joyful, and blessed.