Tag Archives: Jeffrey Schrembs Elvis Presley collector

Running in potholes

Nightmare. Websters defines it as; Definition of nightmare. 1 : an evil spirit formerly thought to oppress people during sleep. 2 : a frightening dream that usually awakens the sleeper. 3 : something (such as an experience, situation, or object) having the monstrous character of a nightmare or producing a feeling of anxiety or terror.

Well ladies and gentlemen one can have a nightmare during the day such as been the case for far too long. However, thanks to my God given will to confront a nightmare is the recipe for waking up to a new day with less drama and stress. One where the sunlight seems more beautiful. The clouds dance in the bluest of blue days. The air smells not of pollen or pollution but of life. Or the patterns of the wind with that “after rain” scent.

Dont let yesterday use up too much of today

I have some upcoming medical procedures, tests, etc. but I will awaken these days with a calm. With a focus. With unrelenting love for my sons and my little girl.

Man, it seems like I had been running in potholes causing all days to be painful mentally, physically, emotionally, etc. and I am very thankful to my therapist of 8 years and my Psychiatrist of 6 years for battling cancer, Parkinson’s, PIDD, and other abnormalities seriously take their tolls in every imaginable way.

To break ones spirit. To dampen ones resolve to continue on with the knowledge that I pray for my children – their children – their mothers – and their mothers family. I always will. I think God for each moment even when I am locked in torturous pain. Even when my mind says my eyes can’t possible produce any more tears and yet through bloodshot eyes…they do, It is the soul that has been hurt and the side effect is tears.

And now that I have taken reasonable steps to ensure I have protected locks on my laptop, tablets, iPhone, etc.. As this dawn breaks forth I am thankful.

Lastly I’m going to have to get some new shoes that should allow me to expertly use my athletic skills (by the way…where did they go?) not fall into potholes of all shapes, forms, intents, etc. At almost 56 years on this earth, in 2 weeks AAAAAGGGGGGHHHH, I think with the proper outlook, support, my ever handing reading glasses, and some smooth Nike’s I will be able to see the potholes beforehand which I believe with each passing day will become less of a hardship. Less of a nightmare. And less reactive approaches to things/life.

God has blessed me all my life including these last two decades of life. Growing up I never believed I would live past 30 or 35. I shall make the most of these days, weeks, months, and years for after all if I don’t then the status quo will remain and I think it is time for some true, and beneficial, resolution. Man, it’s been far too long.

Enjoy your weekend.

Take care and may God bless you and yours… always.

Attuned to the soul

An incredibility beautiful song.

Weekend wishes

I love my family

Love to all my family, friends, loved ones, etc.

May you enjoy this weekend and time spent with those you care about.

I hope my children, and grandchildren, are all; in good health, happy, successful, thankful for the love they have for others and others have for them, reading the Bible and having their own relationship with God/Jesus for the time on this earth is fleeting, working hard, and enjoying new things and things that make them happy.

I am very blessed that the mother of my children loves, and cares for, them so. That I hold their mothers family in the greatest of regards and my children are blessed to have them in their lives. That each of my children have a plethora of talents. They work hard. They are passionate. I love them near and afar. It is my prayer that there will come the opportunity of travel allows me time to tell them. Nonetheless I am proud of them individually and collectively for they are my heart, my blood, and my greatest loves. I wish them the best in life…always.

Take care and may God bless you always.

WTF x 2 Ex brother in law withdraw?

Here is the scene as I type. I have pneumonia right lung is worse so I’m kinda feeling down and a little weak. This has never happened again and no disrespect to him but I never envisioned I couldn’t get him out of my head but out of my “Sargent pepper and the lonely hearts club band” dream (google it and you will get the idea) my ex brother in law made a guest appearance. Weird huh? Wellllllllllllllllllll it didn’t end there.

There wasn’t a time, from the beginning to the end, when my brother in law did anything but be a great brother to my ex.. Great uncle to my children. And he was always respectful to me and I’m sorry to him for the last year as I am to others.

I always respected bright quick intelligent minds. When I learned of his attending college and then opting to learn the Japanese language, then go live in japan, and then become a highly respected teacher who taught Americans the Japanese language which he was fluent in. I admired him. I should have told him that.

We all age and life becomes more reactionary as opposed to proactive. Not only that but when you start looking forward to the medical alert, free back brace, free neck brace, joint repair in a bottle, etc. one half an hour infomercials that begin in mass around midnight it hits you that… you are not the person you once were as you now qualify for discounts at movie theaters as opposed to being asked for an ID. AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Now, there have been time that I have thought of my ex brother in law and kept him in my prayers but seeing him in my dream in vivid color-rama, yeah I dream in colors and don’t you hate it when you have a great dream and you temporarily wake up and you want to go back to it but life smacks you with NO DICE. No going back to that dream, made it real. It brought back his expressions and voice. I started this blog as a positive outlet. I made a commitment that I would share what’s in my head, thoughts, or heart as it comes. That I would not sugar coat things about me and my prior and current life. Also, as anyone can attest who reads any of my blog posts I type exactly what I am thinking without a desire for grammatical correctness. So this semi-explains why I opted to write this specific blog. To those who don’t instantly get my sense of human I wan to say “HOW IN THE WORLD CAN YOU MISS THE GENIUS IN MY HILARIOUS WORDS/SENTENCES?”. Really?

Well I’m off to finish watching the end of the tv show “bringing up bates” as Tori  is getting married. I enjoy this show and the parents have done a great job raising their children. I am knowledgeable about this as I had the honor to have the best mother and father in law who are exceptional people individually and collectively, have been the GREATEST grandparents to my children, and in many ways I remain in awe of. I am very sorry to them for any/all pains/hurt and always will.

To my brother in law in my dreams I extend a hand and invitation to return to my dreams in the future but I will always remember that in this specific dream that we were in Hawaii – we rescued a few infinity stones (google it and yeah its funny) – we were internationally acknowledged – we were awarded an annual stipend of 100 billion dollars – we were gifted by the Pope with our own customized spaceships a technology they had for centuries but never shared before building ours – received the serum aka from the fountain of youth in giant 2 liter bottles – we worked together to stop the army of clowns riding on the backs of grizzly bears blowing streamers rushing towards us with bad intentions – and we went to a few bars and got wasted (I don’t drink but boy oh boy I did in this dream). Who wouldn’t want to continue this dream? So I am having ex brother in law withdraw syndrome and being 100% honest I wish him; the greatest happiness, the love of a good woman, success in his professional career, laughter, good health, and a long and happy life. He’s a good man.

Take care and may God bless you and yours with each breath.



Weather 4/16/2018

Is it really 2018? Am I really 55 (aaaaaggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh)? Man, when is a White Castle going to be in this area? What is an iphone (psyche I know – just testing you)?

Let’s recap. Today is a rainstorm with hail. 2 days ago it was 84 degrees. 2 weeks ago I had to get about 6 inches of snow off my vehicle as it snowed. Do I believe in “climate change”? Yeah, but they used to be called “seasons” back in the day but these past few weeks have been a unique tease of which way the rest of this month will be. If it was up to me I would go for spring plus 5 degrees and without the pollen. DREADED pollen. Man if there wasn’t mucinex and inhalers it would be a…nightmare. Why do I put so many words in parentheses? The combination have reeked havoc for my sinuses/pneumonia/ear infection/etc.

THANK YOU to everyone @ wordpress for having such a great site and allowing so many to be able to have a voice.

Did that punxsutawnee animal see it’s shadow? I know when I saw mine is was a lot thinner than it was when I last remember having a shadow. Weight loss via sickness who would have thought? I’ll choose good health for a thousand. Is that game show still around?




Absentee words (March 2018 edition)

Image result for weird words

Absentee words? Oxymoronic I know but I’ll explain.

Back in the day there were words that were used/spoken that seldom are today and I know this because (1) I don’t hear them anymore and (2) my grandchildren are my speech police and they have been writing me “what do you mean/that’s not a word/I’ve never heard of that/Grandpa is that a real word…tickets?” more and more often.

Here are some that came to mind in no specific order; fine, gullet. for sure, banging (not the vulgar usage), homey, sneakers, dope, hello, welcome, fixin, supper, clouds a comin, daddy-o, belly, big red (the soda drink and I haven’t had a sip of it for decades but I hold on to hope…jealous?), catch ya later, natch, wobble, kickin it, sweatin (such as “why are you sweatin me?), wolf ticket, I’ll be seeing ya, howdy, youngster, mack daddy, bop (as in a place to dance), operator I’d like to make a call, cat (as in the slang to call someone), hep, boondoggle, burnt (as in you made a mistake or you were caught), random, four score (you know the rest courtesy of Abe Lincoln), gams (as in a womans legs), beef (as in a disagreement), handsome, get ya some, etc.

…to be continued

Thanks for visiting and as always my daughter, my family, and my children and theirs remain in my thoughts. My prayers. And in my heart and soul.

Take care and may God bless you and yours.

Your so young and beautiful…

This song, by a little-known singer named Elvis Presley (bada bing)s, has always been one of deep meaning for me. Not because Elvis recorded it during the height of his fame but because when he sang it, at the end of the movie standing hugging co-star Judy Tyler, it resonated with me. Even being that young at the time I knew, and maybe I was in some ways an “old soul”, that being young and beautiful was…fleeting. This combined with the knowledge that Judy Tyler, who was so beautiful and talented, got her first major acting role in Jailhouse Rock with Elvis but (sadly) she died in a car accident prior to Jailhouse Rock being released. Seeing her, in black and white, so vibrant – so fetching – so true to her character – and having that unique smile did not register that (sadly) this was her last time on screen. Last time on earth.

When Elvis received the news he was devastated. When he learned of the horrific nature that took her life he was beyond consolable. How could it be he thought? Wasn’t it just a few months ago he last saw her? Why? Elvis, who was always very sensitive and wore his emotions on his face and in his mood and in his physical appearance, took time away to grieve. He cried. He was always the one, dating back to childhood where he told his beloved mother Gladys Love (Smith) Presley that he would “take care of her” “buy her a big home”, etc., who was the fixed. The solver. The Comforter. The one providing a shoulder to cry on. The one who offered a support that transcended basic humanity and care. Though many have written about Elvis’ life with kudos to; Alanna Nash, Russ Howe, Billy Smith, Sandie Kaye Stevens, Larry Geller, Sandi Pichon, Martine Prizzo, Phil Arnold, etc. this loss hurt Elvis in a grief he bore throughout his life.

Young is usually defined pertaining to an age. A time period. Beautiful is usually defined by the visual. But, to me, I grew up with my Momaw (Mothers Mother) who was so young at heart and always kept moving she was a dynamo she was…young. She was also beautiful in spirit and her wants for her family and fellow man. I miss her. I miss her….so.

I have always thought without hesitation that every woman, and child, is beautiful. They radiate the essence of love. Of beauty. They are magnificent as God intended them to be. Now, I have had the honor to have dated and married women who were; smart, funny, beautiful, etc. To outsiders, they saw the physical beauty but to me, they were at their most beautiful without makeup. Wearing my t-shirt or sweats having just woken up. Or the serenity of their sleep.

I have a little girl who is growing up so fast. She is young and she is beautiful. I pray for and think of, her each day. Like my other children, I want the best for her and for her dreams to manifest into hard work, commitment, and achievement. They are all talented and bestowed with unique gifts that astound me. I love them so.

Thanks for visiting and please let others know about this blog, and my others, via social media.

Take care and may God bless you and yours… every day.


Jeff Schrembs


From Jailhouse Rock here is Elvis Presley with Judy Tyler. Enjoy.

Beats so lonely (one of my favorite but long lost songs of the 1980’s)

Courtesy of YouTube

Try playing it from the 1:20 minute mark to hear the vocals starting on the song. Man, I used to listen to this on cassette or 45 back in the day over and over. No one had even heard of him or his song but I caught it when scanning my cassette/radio in my car one day and the beat, vocals, and the rawness were worth listening to and I went out and bought the 45, cassette, and album.


Merry Christmas 2017


Wishing everyone a blessed and Merry Christmas 2017.

May God bless you and yours…always.

Jeff Schrembs