Absentee words (March 2018 edition)

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Absentee words? Oxymoronic I know but I’ll explain.

Back in the day there were words that were used/spoken that seldom are today and I know this because (1) I don’t hear them anymore and (2) my grandchildren are my speech police and they have been writing me “what do you mean/that’s not a word/I’ve never heard of that/Grandpa is that a real word…tickets?” more and more often.

Here are some that came to mind in no specific order; fine, gullet. for sure, banging (not the vulgar usage), homey, sneakers, dope, hello, welcome, fixin, supper, clouds a comin, daddy-o, belly, big red (the soda drink and I haven’t had a sip of it for decades but I hold on to hope…jealous?), catch ya later, natch, wobble, kickin it, sweatin (such as “why are you sweatin me?), wolf ticket, I’ll be seeing ya, howdy, youngster, mack daddy, bop (as in a place to dance), operator I’d like to make a call, cat (as in the slang to call someone), hep, boondoggle, burnt (as in you made a mistake or you were caught), random, four score (you know the rest courtesy of Abe Lincoln), gams (as in a womans legs), beef (as in a disagreement), handsome, get ya some, etc.

…to be continued

Thanks for visiting and as always my daughter, my family, and my children and theirs remain in my thoughts. My prayers. And in my heart and soul.

Take care and may God bless you and yours.

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